KDJSS Facilitators 2019

Kwan Jang Nim Moo Duk Kwan® President

H.C. Hwang

World Moo Duk® TAC

Daymon Kenyon, Sa Bom, 19839
TAC Weh Gong Bu

Technical Advisory Committee Members Scheduled To Appear 2019

TAC Members are appointed by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang and they establish the schedule of activities for the National Festival. Some TAC Members and assistants may not be in attendance every year.

Craig Hays, Sa Bom, 23132
TAC Chairman 2017-2020
Jeff Griggs, Sa Bom, 23269
TAC Ki Sul Bu 2017-2020
Josh Lockwood, Sa Bom, 29755
TAC Heng Jeung Bu 2017-2020
Michael Zickafoose, Sa Bom, 30699
TAC Heng Jeung Bu 2017-2020
Jennifer Gibbons, Sa Bom, 32238
TAC Ki Sul Bu 2017-2020
Jared Rosenthal, Sa Bom, 32740
TAC Jin Heung Bu 2017-2020
Cort Stinehour, Sa Bom, 33190
TAC Jin Heung Bu 2017-2020
Brian Corrales, Sa Bom, 36264
TAC Digital Bu / R8 REX
Frank Tsai, Sa Bom, 32700
TAC Digital Bu 2017-2020

Technical Advisory Committee Assistants Scheduled To Appear 2019

Sue Fittanto, Sa Bom, 41586
BOD Chair / TAC Assistant Digital Media
Sean Oulashin, Master 44504
TAC Assistant

Senior Advisory Committee Members Scheduled To Appear 2019

Larry Seiberlich, Sa Bom, 1815
Senior Advisory Committee
Russ Hanke, Sa Bom, 4137
Senior Advisory Committee

Hu Kyun In Members (Guardians of The Art) Scheduled To Appear 2019

There are no team members to display.

Regional Examiners Scheduled To Appear 2019

Brian Corrales, Sa Bom, 36264
TAC Digital Bu / R8 REX

Festival Hosts Scheduled To Appear 2019

Brian Corrales, Sa Bom, 36264
TAC Digital Bu / R8 REX

Coordinator For 2019

There are no team members to display.

Medical For 2019

Ken Campbell
Medical Staff