Commemorate Your 2016 Attendance With Custom Apparel
29 Official Moo Duk Kwan®Apparel Products Available Until Oct 28
Members often ask about commemorative t-shirts or other apparel for this event and for 2016 the Federation is offering a full line of embroidered items for attendees. Orders must be submitted online before October 28th and we must meet the required minimum orders to produce the featured items.
You are invited to look through whats available and order what you want for pickup at the event. These items cannot be shipped.
Attendees can choose from twenty nine configurations of three different Official Moo Duk Kwan® apparel products in multiple colors that are only available until Oct 28th for the 2016 event.
Only attendees are eligible to acquire both designs of the 2016 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa and Moment With The Masters products.
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