Share Your Spirit!
Send Your Energy To Ko Dan Ja Candidates

Mary Kate Stinehour and Cort Stinehour
Mary Kate Stinehour and Cort Stinehour

Mary Kate Stinehour and Cort Stinehour, Sa Bom Nim

master_300x300The Moo Duk Kwan® 2016 Korean Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa has officially started October and the USA Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa begins November 11, 2016.

Now is the time to send your supportive energy to Ko Dan Ja candidates in Korea. Mary Kate Stinehour is spearheading the annual Spirit Message initiative originally launched by Sa Bom Nim Lisa Donnelly years ago.

Please send your words of encouragement for 2016 Invited Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Candidates in Korea or the USA by emailing:

Sort Rank Dan Bon Salutation Last Name First Name Region Country Testin In
60 Yuk Dan 27577 Sa Bom Nim Hoffmeister George 9 KOREA
60 Yuk Dan 28912 Sa Bom Nim Terri Coffee 9 KOREA
50 O Dan 19500 Sa Bom Nim Wilcox Richard 9 USA
50 O Dan 29994 Sa Bom Nim Naggiar Christian 9 USA
50 O Dan 33141 Sa Bom Nim Smith Charles 10 USA
50 O Dan 33220 Sa Bom Nim Connor Craig AU KOREA
50 O Dan 33451 Sa Bom Nim Medina Ernie 9 USA
50 O Dan 33479 Sa Bom Nim Brown Gabriela 4 USA
50 O Dan 33484 Sa Bom Nim Cruz Rodrigo 4 USA
50 O Dan 34126 Sa Bom Nim Koina Derek AU KOREA
50 O Dan 34683 Sa Bom Nim Koina Mark AU USA
50 O Dan 36429 Master Horni Ed 6 USA
40 Sa Dan 22084 Sa Bom Nim Hunt Stephen 10 USA
40 Sa Dan 22982 Sa Bom Mead Karen 9 KOREA
40 Sa Dan 33628 Master Brantley Willie 4 USA
40 Sa Dan 34524 Master Kwon Dae Keun 2 KOREA
40 Sa Dan 34684 Sa Bom Garbode Julie AU Uruguay
40 Sa Dan 35249 Sa Bom Nim Wildonger Keith 3 USA
40 Sa Dan 36377 Master Diaz Adam 4 USA
40 Sa Dan 37809 Sa Bom Nim Townsend Dwayne 6 USA
40 Sa Dan 38003 Sa Bom Nim McCarthy Pat 9 USA
40 Sa Dan 39488 Sa Bom Nim Dixon Dan 8 USA
40 Sa Dan 40068 Master Bennett Timothy 9 USA
40 Sa Dan 40578 Master Toomey William 10 USA
40 Sa Dan 40977 Sa Bom Nim Yaffee Masen 9 KOREA
40 Sa Dan 41478 Master Irvine Miki 9 KOREA
40 Sa Dan 41586 Sa Bom Nim Fittanto Susan 8 USA
30 Sam Dan 35187 Kyo Sa Moon David 9 USA
30 Sam Dan 37968 Mr. Countryman Douglas 10 USA
30 Sam Dan 37998 Mr. Zachary Peake 9 KOREA
30 Sam Dan 40237 Mr Blacker Neil AU KOREA
30 Sam Dan 40676 Ms. Estey Crystal 3 KOREA
30 Sam Dan 41475 Mr. Mueller William 9 USA
30 Sam Dan 42325 Mrs. Hodges Tiina 9 USA
30 Sam Dan 42849 Jo Kyo Joseph Fry 2 USA
30 Sam Dan 43997 Mr. Si Lam 9 USA
30 Sam Dan 44086 Mr. Fishman Steven 2 KOREA
30 Sam Dan 44133 Kyo Sa Nim Chai Gabrielle AU KOREA
30 Sam Dan 44669 Mr. Lyons Derek 9 USA
30 Sam Dan 45109 Mr Vulcano Sam AU KOREA
30 Sam Dan 45476 Kyo Sa Nim Ahlers Richard 1 USA

Your messages will then magically find their way to the candidates in Korea or the USA who may have limited access to email and internet during their test.

Join your fellow members who are sharing their Moo Duk Kwan spirit internationally!

About Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa USA

Ko Dan Ja rank (4th Dan and up) certification opportunities and Sa Bom level instructor certification opportunities in Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan® in the U.S. are available to classing eligible and/or time eligible U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® members who are recommended and invited to an annual U.S. Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa where they are joined by other qualified applicants, guests and Alumni as may be invited


  1. Deb Caspary on 11/13/2015 at 9:53 am

    Best wishes to all the members from REGION 5! Soo Bahk!!!! I know you will represent us well! We are with you in Spirit! REGION 5

  2. Roberto Bonefont on 10/08/2016 at 8:36 pm

    Spirit Messages for Korea 2016 KDJSS:

    Congratulations to Mr. Steven Fisher and Master DK Kwon from Region 2, Good Luck during the ongoing KDJSS 2016 in Korea, we know you both will be successful in your pursuit Moo Do, and please extend our congratulations and best wishes to all the Korean KDJSS candidates, enjoy the kimche.  Please also extend our best wishes to the all the attendees at the 2016 World Youth Leadership  Symposium, your leadership will shape the future of our art. Soo Bahk!

    Best to Kwan Jang Nim and his KDJSS TAC team in Korea.

    Roberto Bonefont, Sr., Region 2


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